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Trails, Waterfalls and Ponds

Trails, Waterfalls and Ponds 


Trail of the Environmental Protection Area of ​​Massambaba Light level track. Walk approximately 20 minutes and it crosses the reservation from side to side. Direct contact with vegetation of Atlantic Forest in full preservation state, allowing filming and photos. 

Trail of the Red Lagoon The Red Lagoon, located in the district of Vilatur, has around it a trail of light level in an area near the sea, surrounded by vegetation of restinga quite varied. 

On this trail, the hiker spends about two hours, including a visit to the saline, which exists on the border with the Araruama Lagoon.

Alto Tinguí Trail / Tinguí Waterfall 

Pure adrenaline. Mid-level trail, stretch of Lake Mineral Water trail. 

Just before reaching the lake, take a new trail and walk for another three kilometers until the Tinguí waterfall. 

The effort is rewarded, because at the top of the mountain range the view is stunning. Trail of the Serra Castelhana Hotel Light track located on the premises. It is a quiet walk, of short duration, to be carried out by people of any age.

Mineral Water Lake Trail 

Heavy level track. It starts in Sampaio Corrêa and even the Mineral Water Lake are about 8 km of trail, very steep, with several cliffs. 

Not recommended for bikes because of their high degree of difficulty. From the top of the trail, one can see the sea, the lagoons, Sampaio Corrêa, Jaconé and Saquarema. The lake has waters with mineral properties.

Trail of the Goonies 

Approximately 2 hours drive, all on the slope and with stretches of level of marked difficulty. The walk has its full path in the midst of the Atlantic Forest vegetation. 

T in one of the most beautiful visuals of the municipality, being the perfect trip for the practice of photographs and filming, taking advantage of the rich flora and the beautiful view of the sky, lagoons, sea, mountains of Saquarema and Araruama.


Cachoeira do Tinguí It is located in Alto Tinguí in Sampaio Corrêa. 

It is at the end of a secondary trail of the Alto Tinguí Trail. Waterfalls of the Roncador Located in Sampaio Corrêa, they are a total of six waterfalls that form a set of incomparable beauty. 

The site's bounty, combining the woods with the mountain climate makes this tour extremely enjoyable. Access through tracks with moderate difficulty, being necessary the accompaniment of guides.


Lagoa de Jacarepiá 

It is the only freshwater lagoon, near the sea, of the Lakes Region. It has abundant variety of fish and wild animals. 

Lagoa de Saquarema 

Suitable for fishing and water sports. From the entrance of the city, one has a beautiful view of the entire lagoon and the city of Saquarema. 

Jaconé Lagoon 

Important and extensive lagoon, located in the district of Jaconé with approximately 3km ² of area. It has a canal that links it to the Saquarema Lagoon, which, in turn, is connected to the sea. Not being polluted, it contains in its waters several types of fish, crustaceans and molluscs, suitable for consumption. 

Red Lagoon 

In reality, there are three small lagoons surrounded by a canal. It has waters suitable for medicinal baths. It is located in Vilatur district, 15 km from the city center. 

Mineral Water Lake

It is located in Sampaio Correia, 26 km from the city center, between the Serra de Mato Grosso and the Tingüí waterfall, high in the mountains. It has waters with mineral properties.


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